1 may 2007

Rumores sobre el proximo Kingdom Hearts

En una reciente noticia que aun falta por confirmar, parece que en la ultima edicion de la revista famitsu de japon, se ha revelado informacion sobre la proxima entrega de Kingdom Hearts, la cual segun se cita de la revista no sera Kingdom Hearts III como muchos esperaban.

Al parecer el juego seria un spin off de la historia original del juego, además señalan al Nintendo DS, Sony PSP y teléfonos celulares como las posibles plataformas del juego.

Aquí la nota original en Ingles.

First and foremost, the next title in the franchise isn't going to be Kingdom Hearts III. Nomura explained that it will be a side story of some sorts, something similar to an anecdote that fits well with the KH universe he created.

The game director and character designer added that he's thinking of making this title "slightly different" from the series and alter the game's system.

Furthermore, Nomura maintained that the series main character Sora will still fill a big role in the new game but there's the desire to develop the storyline of other characters. He explained,

I did nothing but talk about "Birth by Sleep". Also, I want to explain what Mickey did in the World of Darkness, and also how he got his keyblade. I have a feeling that I want to work on developing Roxas the most. It is interesting to create in one year, the birth of him, and then next, the disappearance of him.

Aside from the above mentioned information, Tetsuya Nomura shared just one more detail: the next Kingdom Hearts title could appear on the PlayStation Portable (PSP), DS, and mobile phones.

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